Many show dog breeders conduct oceans of genetic health testing on their dogs in order to produce the healthiest puppies possible. We care about what we are producing and cry over issues that come forward. Our dedication to our breeds frequently mean long road trips to far away specialty veterinarians and appointments booked more than 6 months out. Twice a year Dr. Luis Braz-Ruivo, a board certified Veterinary Cardiologist in Bowie, Maryland held a genetic cardiac health testing clinic for dog breeders. My dogs have been tested by him for years.
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Three WP's poodles shown at Grantsville, Pennsylvania |
Even with the horrific stock market crash in September 2009 that derailed the American economy I still made my regular appointments as usual. I had been booked to see Dr. Braz Ruivo for months. I got up that morning at the crack of dawn not seeing the tornado heading my way. I had no idea when Roo-Roo and I were cuddling in bed before the alarm clock went off that this would be the most tragic and horror filled day of my life. I had no idea I'd never see her alive again. Instead, Petra and I drive four hours to Maryland and back again to have her heart tested. Dr. Braz-Ruivo told me how much he loved my dogs and she was in the peak of health. I bought her McDonalds as a treat on the way home. She happily munched on french fries while I focused on navigating the Capital Beltway around Washington, DC.
Twenty minutes after I arrive home, a vehicle pulls into my driveway. Sitting in the truck is a vegan animal rights extremist named Hilleary Bogley who is friends and pals with serial sex predator Wayne Pacelle (ex-CEO of HSUS). I knew she had been destroying animal owners for years. The old head of Fauquier Animal Control was a good ol' boy who knew animals and farmers and rarely tolerated her drivel. But as always happens, he retired. The new head Animal Control Lane Phillippe was a lazy man who had turned over the keys of his office to Bogley and did whatever she (a private citizen) told him to do. I knew whatever was going on in my driveway, was not going to end well if Bogley was involved.
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Pierre and I showing at Bel Air, Maryland |
I walk up to the truck and stop them from getting out. Bogley tells me they received a noise complaint of dogs barking and demands the right to search my home. I ask for particulars of the complaint. She tells me that if I let her into my house to 'look around' then 'this here will go no further.' I'm not stupid, I know this woman sold her soul to the devil. As an emaciated long time vegan she's never demonstrated a love for animals that I've seen. I ask them if they have a warrant. Phillippe says no and I say, well I'm going to need one because you have no legal right to search my home.
They leave promising a warrant is coming. I frantically start calling friends and fellow breeders for help. Almost all of them scoff at me and tell me to take my tin foil hat off. They tell me that a barking dog complaint doesn't qualify for a warrant and I need to chill out. Only 2 people believe me and start for my home with crates loaded in their cars. Unfortunately both lived hours away. The first friend who responded arrived at my house 5-10 minutes before Bogley was back. The other friend arrived hours later after half my dogs were already gone.
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Faith, a WP's Poodle at Beltsville, Maryland |
Phillippe gives me the warrant. It says nothing about a barking dog. Instead it proves I was right that my anonymous complainer, Suzanne Dokovna was an undercover animal rights terrorist. She is now claiming that when I sold Barkley to her, he was 'dirty' and that's Bogley's probable cause to raid my home and steal all of my champion dogs. Bogley lied when she claimed a 'barking dog' complaint is the reason they were at my home.
From the minute they enter my home, Bogley starts chanting what sounds to me like a highly rehearsed speech, that my “Poor poor dogs will be receiving their freedom today.” “They are about to receive their freedom. They will be set free now.”
Bogley then suddenly stopped her chanting about freedom and turned to Phillippe and said, “These are very poor dogs. She is not keeping them legally. The dogs are in awful condition. She is not being truthful about her situation here.” Bogley orders Phillippe to seize both Petra and Roo. My heart just about burst out of my chest when I heard her say that. My Roo? I wanted to scream to the rooftops, “You miserable old hag! You can’t have my Roo!” As I struggle to remain calm Phillippe speaks up and says, “Both of these dogs look in good condition. They look fine to me.” Bogley said, “We take them. We take them all.” Phillippe is visibly uncomfortable looking. He says, “What is the probable cause to take them? They look fine.” Bogley snaps back, “The seizure itself is the probable cause. Now take them.” She goes on to say, “If we don’t take them all now, we will have a hard time coming up with probable cause to come back and take them later.”
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Stoney, a WP's poodle being shown at Grantsville, Pennsylvania |
She briefly stops chanting about freedom to complain about a smell on my property. It was one of the few times Phillippe says anything back to her. He says, “I can’t smell anything. If there is a smell it is not feces because I can’t smell any feces.” It was the last time he questioned her. She continued to chant about freedom and my 'poor poor dogs' while suddenly fully loaded raid trucks start appearing in my driveway and a force of civilians are running in and out of my home. I demand to Phillippe that he order all of these people to leave and he just stares at the ground and continues to follow Bogley's orders. If this theft of my dogs whom Bogley has never seen before was not replanned then how do all of these people know to show up here with full loaded vehicles? Funny enough they later claim to not own enough leashes to take my dogs and steal all of mine and half my grooming equipment. Bogley has vehicles full of brand new dog crates but as the daughter of multi-millionaires she can't afford leashes?
For the next 12 hours I'm held in 'custodial custody' and forced to watch my home trashed and destroyed. To listen to Bogley chanting her hate speech over my dogs and to see them react to her in terror. Someone somewhere at sometime kicked in my kitchen screen door and shattered a pane of my door glass. Since they were already in and out of my house for hours before the damage occurred, there is no excuse for kicking my door in other than to make my home look ‘deplorable.’ As for Bogley's crew, when they aren't busy stealing whatever isn't nailed down, they fake pretend that they are professionals. Three of them wear plastic booties over their shoes, 1 girl brought a homemade white hazmat suit to add to the fun and games. Everyone else is wearing dirty tennis shoes.
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Peanut, a WP's poodle being shown at Warrenton, Virginia. |
A corrupt local thug cop shows up halfway through the raid to watch the fun. He’s obviously enjoying my tears. Meanwhile up to 6 cops and 12 ‘rescuers’ are wandering in and out of my home like it’s a block party. Halfway through Bogley’s boy toy boyfriend shows up in dirty farm boots and walks all through my home. These unprofessional civilian thieves have put my dogs at a far greater hazard than anything I could ever do. No one sanitized their hands before snatching River’s puppies that I spend weeks saving, bottle feeding and hand raising. Who knows where any of these people came from before trespassing in my home, stealing my dog leashes, grooming equipment and abducting a dog.
The Fauquier cops who stood around are just as guilty as Bogley and their crew. They all had to graduate police training to get their jobs. They had to know this was illegal, but no one said a word. All they really care about is that taxpayer funded pension they will be getting. I graduated from military police school while I was in the Army. I know about how law enforcement is supposed to operate.
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Blaze and I at Bel Air, Maryland. |
As the raid progresses through the night Bogley takes so many photographs with her high powered expensive camera that she turns night into day. All you hear is click, click, click, click, click. She take close-ups inside my trash can. She takes close ups of dust bunnies in corners behind crates to make a little piece of dust look like a mountain. She flips over poopy newspapers from the puppies and flicks them around to make my house look more disorderly. She dumps over my mop bucket of Pine Sol filled water and floods my kitchen. The bleach water soaks my floor for more than 12 hours while her raid force is in my home, forever staining the floor surface. The raid crew bring in oceans of mud and then walk through the mop water creating trails of 'feces' for Bogley to endlessly photograph in darkened light.
The only noise louder than the camera clicking is Hilleary Bogley's non-stop chanting. She chants stock animal rights terrorist phrases like, "Oh Wow! This is bad!" as she looks into clean crates. She continues to chant that my dogs are receiving their "freedom" now. I can tell by her body language that she hates dogs. They can too. They are all cowering in fear and dead silent. The only one making noise is Roo-Roo.
For 12 hours I was forced to listen to Roo-Roo screaming in terror in Phillippe's truck. She may have been the 2nd dog taken but his truck is the the last to leave my home. He never once checked on her.
He gave her no water.
He gave her no food.
He never let her out to relieve herself.
For 12 hours Roo-Roo screamed in terror locked away in his truck, soundly ignored by this sworn Fauquier Sheriff's Deputy.
Coming up next are the stories of each of my dogs that were stolen this horrific day and what was done to them.
Coming up next are the stories of each of my dogs that were stolen this horrific day and what was done to them.
#WhisperingPinesPoodles #NeverGiveUp #MemoryLane #PreservationBreeder #AnimalRightsHatesAnimals #AnimalRightsEqualsBetterDeadThanFed
The Whispering Pines Poodle story:
Part 1 - Snowmaggedon 2010
Part 2 - Tragedy upon Tragedy
Part 3 - Reaching out for Help
Part 4 - The Anonymous Complaint
Part 5 - RAID! The Storming of My Home
Part 6 - Bewildered and Lost Trixie
Part 7 - Terrified Senseless, Roo wants her Mommy
Additional related stories:Three Poodle Breeders Fined By Judge
Hilleary Bogley:
Part 1 - Snowmaggedon 2010
Part 2 - Tragedy upon Tragedy
Part 3 - Reaching out for Help
Part 4 - The Anonymous Complaint
Part 5 - RAID! The Storming of My Home
Part 6 - Bewildered and Lost Trixie
Part 7 - Terrified Senseless, Roo wants her Mommy
Additional related stories:Three Poodle Breeders Fined By Judge
Hilleary Bogley:
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